Some British citizens are aware of the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party even if those ruling over them are not.
The question before them, and us, consists of at least two parts.
First, whether China should be allowed to have any espionage and transnational repression HQ building aka embassy or consulate at all in London, especially considering how eager the UK government is to appease the Chinese Communist Party and how supine it would likely be in response to any CCP aggression issuing from such headquarters.
Second, if such a building be permitted, whether this error should be compounded by permitting it to be as large as possible for the sake of maximum possible accommodation of CCP spies and thugs and CCP spy equipment and thug equipment.
The battle over the first question is lost, for now. Most countries have CCP espionage and transnational repression embassy or consulate HQ buildings (CCPETRECHQBs). The battle over the second question has been raging in the streets of London (“Plans for Chinese mega-embassy are threat to national security, warns Robert Jenrick,” The Telegraph, February 8, 2025).
Robert Jenrick [shown above], the shadow justice secretary, was among thousands of people who demonstrated against the plans on Saturday.
If approved, it will be 10 times bigger than the current Chinese embassy and become the country’s largest diplomatic mission in Europe.
The site at the former Royal Mint Court in east London would include offices, 225 homes and a “cultural exchange” building.
China bought the site for more than £255 million in 2018 but plans for the super-embassy were previously rejected by Tower Hamlets borough council in 2022….
[Jenrick wonders:] “Why, when you have China stealing our intellectual property, spying on members of our government, sanctioning members of Parliament and intimidating, harassing British citizens day in, day out—why would we allow them to have here the biggest mega embassy and spy headquarters in Europe? No self-respecting country would do that. We have to stand against it.
“We have to fight this tooth and nail.
“When was the last time you saw the prime minister of this country on camera bowing down before Xi Jinping and saying clearly that he would help, he would do everything to ensure that this building became the Chinese embassy?”
What can one add to Jenrick’s statement, which articulates the justified sentiments of the thousands in the streets? Nothing.
Also see:
GBN News: “ ‘Weak’ Labour caves to Chinese pressure as Starmer admits green-lighting central London ‘super-embassy’ ”