In the original TV series “V” (1983-1985) and the remake (2009-2011), aliens invade earth. They come as friends, they say, ready to help the peoples of earth achieve a community of shared future, a brighter future. All the Visitors need is a bit of our earth resources; in exchange, we earthlings will get all kinds of futuristic goodies. Win-win cooperation.
But if the Visitors come as friends, why do several dozen major cities of the world suddenly have a giant alien spaceship oppressively hovering over them? The glorious message of peace and super trade deal between worlds is issued by the leader of the Visitors in almost the same moment that all mankind notices all the giant hovering ships. Which are very intimidating. So something is not quite right. Even so, it seems that most people are eager to accept the tidings and gifts of the Visitors with glad hosannas.
Soon, though, skeptical and intrepid human investigators discover that the aliens haven’t just shown up. They’ve been infiltrating humanity and our institutions for quite some time in preparation for a full takeover of earth. The Visitors have committed evil against us and are planning to commit more evil. But it is hard for their human foes to sound the alarm in a way that convinces everybody of the aliens’ malevolent purposes. For one thing, the Visitors are good at propaganda. They have mastered the art of telling people what they want to hear. They know how to lie.
It’s a fiction. There aren’t any invaders from outer space. But the earth is plagued by plenty of organized groups of invaders anyway. Currently, the most dangerous and pervasive of these is the Chinese Communist Party, whose own track record of committing evil is partly hidden, largely overt. Among the similarities with the Visitors: the CCP, too, is a fan of the tactic of the hovering ship.
According to Radio Free Asia, “World’s largest coast guard vessel has been patrolling near the contentious Vanguard Bank in the South China Sea” (“Chinese ‘monster’ ship patrols near Vietnam’s oil fields,” January 9, 2024).
Chinese coast guard ship 5901, dubbed “The Monster” for its size, has been near Vietnam’s oil exploration blocks at Vanguard Bank in the South China Sea since early December, Radio Free Asia has learned.
The CCG 5901 has “conducted an intrusive patrol of Vietnam’s oil and gas fields west of Vanguard Bank,” said Ray Powell, director of the U.S.-based SeaLight project, who was the first to spot the latest movement of the vessel in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
An EEZ gives a state exclusive access to the natural resources in the waters and in the seabed….
The Chinese ship has mostly been running “dark”, or not broadcasting AIS, since departing Sanya, Hainan, on Nov. 14, 2023, according to Powell.
“This frequent practice violates the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, of which China is a signatory,” he added….
“The [incursion] is not new but it happens right after Vietnam and China agreed to build a ‘Community with a Shared Future’ during Xi Jinping’s visit to Hanoi in December,” said Le Hong Hiep, a senior fellow at Singapore’s ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.
The concept of a ‘Community with a Shared Future’ is China’s vision for international relations in the Chinese leader, Xi’s Jinping era.
“That shows that essentially the Vietnam-China bilateral relations have not changed and it remains very difficult for the two countries to share a future should China continue pursuing its current claim over nearly entire South China Sea,” Hiep told RFA.
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