January 23, 2025

Rich Americans Supporting Tyranny: Singham and Evans

1 thought on “Rich Americans Supporting Tyranny: Singham and Evans

  1. Something bothers me about this post and especially as illustrated by the accompanying image (representing rich people generally, not rich people doing bad things). I agree with the general conclusion that wealth should not be used to commit evil.

    Globalization per se, if “globalization” refers simply to cross-border interactions, is not an evil, just as economy per se and trade per se are not evils but indispensable means of achieving good. One would not indict human action as such or life as such because bad people doing bad things must act and must be alive in order to do them. Of course, one should do nothing blindly, whether the scale of one’s actions is local or global. A person living in a small town can provide the funding for another person living in a small town to rob a bank in that small town. No global scale and no enormous wealth are required.

    One can achieve enormous wealth virtuously, by honest production and trade, or by committing crime. One can spend honestly gained wealth to achieve good things or, perhaps out of a desire to appease people who say you’re bad for being rich, evil things. Wealthy proponents of communism or fascism and poor proponents of these evil systems are not supporting them because of their wealth or lack of wealth, but because of their moral choices and ideas. The richer person has greater material means of spreading the evil. But some rich people and some corporate entities work to advance individual rights and freedom. They may sometimes err badly when doing so; but their errors, if corrected once seen, don’t put them in the same moral category as the Neville Singhams of the world.

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